Specified Nonprofit Corporation
Who are we?

We are working to further develop and improve activities by NGOs in order to create a peaceful and an equal society made up of “global citizens”, based mainly in the Chubu region of Japan (Aichi, Gifu, Mie). We work in cooperation with 42 associated NGOs, 1 supporting member organizations and 120 individual supporting members (as of February 2022).
Our mission
The Society We Aim for is:
- A peaceful society
- A society where human rights are protected
- A society actively developed by people
- A harmonious society
- A society that can act from a global viewpoint
Our history
- January 1988: “Nagoya Third World Exchange Center” established. (12 member organizations)
- May 1993: Hosted “the Asian citizens’ forum”.
- November 1994: Hosted “The Third National NGO Gathering”.
- May 1995: “Nagoya NGO Center” established. (13 member organizations)
- April 2000: Obtained status as an incorporated NPO.
- February 2022: We work in cooperation with 42 associated NGOs, 1 supporting member organizations and 120 individual supporting members
Our activities
Basic Roles
1. Networking
We seek to develop NGOs strongly supported by the local community, which connect local people with the world. We aim to create a network among NGOs, as well as a network between NGOs, people and other sectors (private companies and authorities).
2. Consulting
We make efforts to improve the structure, the management system and projects of NGOs through our consultation services.

3. Collecting and Disseminating Information
In order to gain more understanding of NGOs and support from the local community, we gather information, experience and knowledge from various NGOs and actively relay this to the local community and other NGOs.
4. Research
We monitor the trends in the local community as well as in the world and the issues which affect activities of NGOs in the Chubu region, and analyze the information found to further improve activities of the NGOs.
Constructive Roles
1. Advocacy
We propose policies to bring voices of underprivileged people, ordinary people and NGOs who closely work with them, into politics and government, so that everyone’s voices will be reflected and respected in the policy making process.
2. Global Citizenship Education
We engage in activities aimed at enhancing understanding of how the global issues, threatening millions of people throughout the world, such as extreme poverty and human right abuses, relate to our own lives. In so doing, we encourage people to take actions against such issues.
3. Capacity Building
We develop potentials of human resources in the local community, in order to create and promote local NGO activities, through participatory trainings and seminars for NGO workers and future NGO workers.

▼We need your support to promote local NGOs’ activities!
Our activities are supported by grass-roots NGOs and local citizens. We would be grateful if you could be the member of Nagoya NGO Center or donate financially for our activities.
Benefits to members
- “Sangria,” a newsletter featuring information on NGOs in the Chubu region will be sent twice a year.
- Members will receive the latest news on volunteer activities, events and seminars from the local NGOs.
- Free consultation services about NGO activities.
Application for membership (annual fee)
<Membership for NGOs>
- NGO: 30,000 yen
*The fee can be reduced to 10,000 yen for organizations whose annual budget is less than 5,000,000 yen.
<Supporting Member>
- Individuals: 5,000 yen
- Students: 3,000 yen
- Groups: 30,000 yen
*private companies, labor unions, autonomous bodies, etc.
*Please direct all inquiries via e-mail.
E-mail: info@nangoc.org
YWCA building-7F, Sinsakae-machi 2-3
Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-0004 JAPAN
* Open hours: Tuesday-Friday: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM